Jump Start Your Art Career
Joint information session with Penn Live Arts, Career Services, Platt Student Performing Arts House, RealArts @ Penn, Penn Cinema and Media Studies, and the Summer Humanities Internship Program.
Love the arts? Don’t let the stream of finance and consulting recruiters on campus get to your head: the arts, culture, and entertainment industries are the sources of countless careers for students with a wide range of interests and majors, from the humanities to business and technology. This information and networking session will help you better understand recruiting/hiring timelines in the arts and entertainment fields and introduce you to the many campus programs and resources, including alumni connections, summer internship opportunities and funding awards, designed to help Penn undergraduate students enter these fields. After the information session, stay for dinner and networking to meet recent recipients of featured programs’ internships and funding awards.
Megan Edelman (she/her), Platt Student Performing Arts House
Laurie McCall (she/her), Platt Student Performing Arts House
Natty Leach (he/his), Career Services
J. Michael DeAngelis (he/his), Career Services
Leah Falk (she/her), Penn Live Arts
Kerry Milch, CURF
Mingo Reynolds and R.J. Bernocco, RealArts@Penn
Nicola Gentili, Cinema and Media Studies