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An image for 2023 Projects for Progress Awards

2023 Projects for Progress Awards

What’s your big idea? What concrete initiative do you think would make a real difference in the city of Philadelphia in one of the following ways?

- Eradicating or reducing systemic racism
- Achieving educational equity
- Reducing health disparities based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and/or social determinants of health

Look to your left and to your right and you will find potential student, faculty, and staff collaborators with great ideas and, most importantly, a range of perspectives, interests, and expertise to contribute to your team.

If you have been at Penn for at least one full year as an undergraduate student or as a full-time employee, or if you will be at least 1/3 through a Penn graduate/professional degree program by the application deadline, consider learning about the $100,000 Projects for Progress Award. And please do pass this message along to any Penn peers/colleagues who may be interested.

You can learn more in the Projects for Progress FAQ:

The application goes live on January 17, and the submission deadline is January 29, 2023.