Now that summer is almost here and you are lining up your summer internship or job, it’s time to start searching for housing.
Our website has some housing resources listed by different cities in the United States as well as resources for international housing.
You can check it out here:
Some of the more general resources include, if you are looking to stay for only a short time, or the always popular Craigslist.
A lot of universities also offer affordable housing for students so be sure to see if there are any local colleges nearby.
If you are staying in Philadelphia, the Office of Off-Campus Services at the University of Pennsylvania has a great resource at
Also, be sure to join one of our Regional Network Groups. These groups are dedicated to sharing housing resources for the major metropolitan areas in the U.S. among Penn students and alumni.
Best of luck on your summer search!
Please Note: Links which are posted do not constitute an endorsement from the University of Pennsylvania or Career Services.