It’s Time to Go Shopping

Planning to look for a full-time job or internship this coming year?

With the beginning of the school year fast approaching take a look at your wardrobe to be sure you are prepared for potential interviews with employers.

For many organizations women and men will need to wear a suit.  tia

Find one that fits you and your budget and when you look in the mirror you say “I feel great in this”.   With a suit it is to better to lean toward the conservative side, but for some industries, a bright color would be appropriate.  Check out the webpages of the organizations that interest you and see how their employees are dressed in the ads.  Along with a suit, you need a shirt, blouse/shell (women you know what I’m referring to), shoes, socks for men that match the color of your trousers, stockings for women (if you wear them), and a tie for men.  I suggest 2 shirts/blouses and 2 ties.  I’ll leave the socks up to you.

Most of our Career Fairs are business casual dress.  This means a nice pair of slacks for men or women, a button down shirt or sweater set (for women), sobiz casualcks and shoes.  Women may choose to wear a skirt instead of slacks.  Business casual is not blue jeans, shorts, t-shirts, flip flops or sneakers.   Men may choose to wear a tie.

Women, have appropriate accessories for the wardrobe you choose…less is more.

Some organizations, many of which are in the tech sector, are totally casual – jeans, t-shirts, sneakers, etc.  The clothes are casual, but they are clean!

You’ll feel good knowing you are set to go for that first employer interaction!

Author: Rosette

Rosette Pyne is the Senior Associate Director of Career Services for students in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.