by Marlene Cohen, On-Campus Recruiting Manager
We are in Employer Information Season and here are a few tips on how to behave. At these events you may be asked to sign in and meet the representatives, take a brochure, fill out a name tag and take a seat. Many programs will be crowded and there will not be sufficient seating for all attendees. You may have to stand in the back of the room or along the side walls. It really may surprise you to see how many students are in attendance. Be sure that when the session is about to begin, and the speaker is being introduced that you remember it is time to stop talking. Be respectful of the presenters throughout the program. There may be a video, a keynote speaker, and a Q&A session. Although you may think you are speaking softly, the fact is that many speaking softly becomes a loud murmur and will be disruptive to the other attendees and to the employer representatives. Focus on why you are there – to learn more about the organization and the opportunities they have available. So during the season of employer information sessions, be professional, be respectful, be quiet and listen.