New beginnings are a great time to take stock of what you hope to accomplish in the coming months, whether it be an entire year or simply a semester. Many of us undoubtedly already made a variety of resolutions at the turn of the year, whether it be to eat healthier, exercise more, or stop procrastinating. It is also a great time to think about what you would like to accomplish in terms of your career. If you proactively think about where you want to be at the end of the semester or year you will be much more likely to take the steps necessary to get there and move forward in your path.
Many of you have already made strides in this area simply by registering for classes that will help you progress in your academic program and your career. However, there are many additional things you can do to jump start your career development. I’ve listed just five below…which one(s) will you resolve to do this year?
• Schedule one (or more) informational interviews with alumni to learn more about careers of interest to you. (Check out for the Penn alumni directory.)
• Join a professional association (often students get very discounted rates!) to learn more about a field, discover job openings, or register for a conference.
• Start the process of applying for internships or post-graduate opportunities in your field of interest (check out PennLink and iNet).
• Develop or update your LinkedIn profile. (Career Services advisors are happy to review it for you, just like a resume.)
• Feeling totally lost? That’s ok! Schedule an appointment with a Career Services advisor to talk through your career related questions.
All of us in Career Services wish you a wonderful 2015!
alumni are a very good source to get validation about a career choice