Now that the semester is under way and the On-campus recruiting season is set to begin within days, many students are going to be clamoring to schedule appointments or come in for walk-in advising. The beginning of each semester is by far our busiest. Students are usually very anxious about getting their resumes and cover letters critiqued, or speaking with an advisor about their career plans. Given that it is our busiest, it is also the most difficult to get in to see an advisor. Too often, students come in for a walk-in only to find that all of the available slots have been taken before the session has even really began. Or calling in, they are not able to get an appointment for that week, or even the next week. If there is anything that can be passed on about navigating getting advice from our office it would be to get in as early as you can.
Whether it is getting a resume or cover letter critiqued, coming in to speak with an advisor about future plans, or practicing your interviewing skills… Don’t wait until the beginning of the semester to see someone. Try coming into the office during our slower times to get things critiqued or to practice interviewing. Usually the end of each semester is the best time. Fewer students come in and there is more time to polish resumes and cover letters, or practice things in order to get them as close to perfect as possible. Be proactive so that you don’t make an already stressful time even more stressful.