Deep Cuts from the Penn Career Services Website

If you’ve spent any time clicking around the Penn Career Services website you’ve probably reviewed our guidelines and samples for your written materials like your resume and cover letters. You’re surely familiar with PennLink and you might even know iNet, the internship consortium with internship postings separate from those in PennLink. And of course you were reminded of the incredibly useful tool the Penn Internship Network from Anne Marie’s post a few weeks ago. And while these are excellent resources that we’re so glad you’re utilizing, I’d love to take a few minutes to highlight some of the “deep cuts” from our website: resources that you may not have navigated to on your own but that will certainly help you in your career or internship search.

Our Career Plan Survey Reports! While the Career Services staff spends much of our day meeting with students and reviewing resumes, cover letters, and planning programming, we also do exhaustive reporting learning about where Penn students accept internship and full-time opportunities. I find myself regularly showing students a few things, including the timing of the internship search (for students in College) and the list of full-time employment and graduate studies by major. These reports are also incredibly helpful for salary information and to see where geographically Penn students find opportunities.

Our Career Services Library and in particular our Online Subscriptions! The online subscriptions are PennKey-protected, but our subscriptions include where students have unlimited access to salaries, company reviews, and interview questions; Vault Career Insider where you can learn a ton about specific companies and their corporate cultures and check out their rankings and reviews; Wetfeet Insider Guides where you can find everything from interview guides to employee stories and much, much more!

Our Resources by Career Field! Sure, this one is easy to find from the main page, but have you clicked through to find your specific area of interest? Do you think you might want to do policy research or maybe work for a Think Tank in the future? We suggest some resources for you to explore. Does historic preservation sound like something you might enjoy? Learn more about it! Did you think you might be perfect for a career in sports medicine? Learn about the varied professions that could encompass here! And of course those are only just a small sample of the various fields represented on this page where you can find workshops, panels and programs, professional associations and additional resources.

We’re glad you’ve taken some time to explore our website and hope these deep cuts show you a little more of what we have to offer!


Author: Mylène

Mylène Kerschner is an Associate Director in Career Services working with the College of Arts & Sciences team.

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