Pressing the Pause Button

by Sharon Fleshman

A little over a week ago, I participated in a resource fair for an orientation on campus and sat next to a representative from the Office of the Chaplain.   Her giveaway for those in attendance was a button with a pause sign. In our fast-paced world, there is still a place for pressing the pause button. How might this work in your career planning or job search?

You may listen to classmates’ career plans and make comparisons, perhaps losing sight of your own goals. Press the pause button and reaffirm your own career interests and values. Reflect on experiences that remind you of why you are pursuing your own path.

You may be overwhelmed with all that you have to do with juggling classes, a part-time job, activities, the job search and so on. Press the pause button and take a walk or nap. Take a moment to just breathe, meditate or pray. Then think about how to organize your time going forward. Establish a healthy rhythm of work and replenishment.

You may feel discouraged, trying to figure out why things are not working out in your job search. Press the pause button and connect with family, friends and others in your support system. Talk to a mentor or career advisor who can help you regroup and strategize with a positive mindset.

You may be stumped by a question during an interview. Rather than jump right into an answer just to fill the silence, press the pause button. Acknowledge the question and get any necessary clarity on it, and if necessary, ask for a few seconds to think about it before responding.

Pressing the pause button is an act of self-care than typically lasts only minutes or hours, but can make all the difference in your outlook and productivity.

Author: Sharon

Sharon Fleshman is the Senior Associate Director of Career Services for students in Education, Nursing and Social Policy & Practice.