Keep Moving Forward…

Walt Disney once said, ““Around here…we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious…and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”  (emphasis is mine)
I was introduced to this quote through a movie my children love, Meet the Robinsons.   If you haven’t seen it, and need some inspiration to keep putting one foot in front of the other – despite a setback, or while you’re studying, or in your job search….or just in your life – I highly recommend the film.    

The wonder of being able to let go of set-backs, to engage in the process of learning and to keep your mind future-focused is a gift you can give yourself.  By carving out some time for you, to feed your curiosity, or to explore what you really enjoy, or learn something new, you may experience a sense of renewal that can restore and energize your spirit. 

I like to “practice what I preach,” so to speak, so I am taking some online coursework in an area that I have interest in – data visualization.  I’ve been putting it off for a while….but I scheduled a whole afternoon to engage and really learned so much more than I thought I would.  Maybe my new skills will help me in my work….or maybe not – and that’s okay.   Not every passion or renewing activity in which you engage will be a resume builder.  But if you have a love of learning….or you did once upon a time….and you’ve not experienced the thrill of a new idea or building a skill recently, I warmly and wholeheartedly encourage you to carve out some time to do so.

Author: Jamie Grant

Jamie Grant is Associate Director of Career Services for the School of Engineering and Applied Science.