Barbara Hewitt, Senior Associate Director
Searching for a job or internship can be daunting for everyone – but can be even more so for individuals with disabilities. Questions about when and if to disclose a disability or how to ask an employer for an accommodation are very personal and often have no simple answers, but happily there are many resources available to help you through the process.
Lime Connect ( is one of the premier organizations working to assist students in this area and “rebrand disability through achievement”. Check out their website ( to read their blog and also find specific opportunities from employers actively seeking to interview and hire students with disabilities. By the way, Lime reports that 90% of disabilities on campus are invisible – including ADD, dyslexia, depression, medical conditions and many others – and all individuals with disabilities are encouraged to take advantage of The Lime Network.
There are also lots of resources closer to home! If you are a Penn student with a disability and have career-related questions, please schedule an appointment with a career services advisor ( serving your particular school. We are happy to help you with all the various steps which go in to the career development process (career exploration, career decision making, preparing resumes and cover letters, interviewing, etc.). Our services are of course confidential so feel free to share any concerns you might have related to a disability. We also offer a variety of links on our Resources for Students with Disabilities webpage ( and maintain a listserv to which we post career-related items particularly relevant to Penn students with disabilities. If you would like to be added to this list, please send an email to Barbara Hewitt at and she will be happy to add you!