by Jamie Grant, C’98 GEd’99
I met recently with a senior contemplating career fields and really unsure how to proceed – did he follow what he thought “everyone else is doing,” i.e. attending career fairs, applying through On-Campus Interviewing, attending information sessions, etc.? Or did he forge his own path and work to identify positions not necessarily offered through campus vehicles but rather through networking and research to unearth opportunities through a different route?
The moral of this conundrum is that there is NO ONE WAY to find a job, much less start a career. Think of your search as a tool box – there are lots of different kinds of tools, some more appropriate for certain types of work than others, and everyone uses them differently. Different does not equal better or worse – it’s just different. Career Fairs and On-Campus Recruiting may make up part of your search efforts, and perhaps for what you have interest in those are the two most important tools you need. But this process is certainly not one-size-fits-all and as an advisor, I warmly encourage you, as I did this student, to speak with one of us about YOUR job search. Make it your own – and give yourself the greatest possible chance to find fulfillment and success on YOUR terms.