Summer Campaigning

This is the next in a series of posts by recipients of the 2018 Career Services Summer Funding Grant. We’ve asked funding recipients to reflect on their summer experiences and talk about the industries in which they’ve been spending their summer. You can read the entire series here.

This entry is by Britney Firmin, COL ’20

This summer I had the opportunity to intern for the Rachael Rollins for District Attorney campaign. This internship experience provided me with in depth exposure to grassroots organizing, allowing me to connect with various communities while passionately spreading Rachael’s campaign message of equity and justice. As an intern with the field team, I was able to converse with prospective voters about the importance of not only the District Attorney race in Massachusetts, but in the central role that the District Attorney plays in shaping our criminal justice system. My daily canvass shifts prompted me to passionately discuss how Rachael is a candidate who is slated to drive tangible social change. When attending debate forums, I gained firsthand insight into the various platforms of the DA candidates, and in the process was able to understand the various social issues that concerned voters throughout the city of Boston.

In addition to passionately communicating Rachael’s platform to voters in person, I additionally honed in on my communication skills by participating in weekly phone banks at campaign headquarters. Not only did this allow me to connect with voters about the issues that they especially care about, but it also informed me on the types of issues that the District Attorney is charged with addressing through the establishment of central policies. Having the opportunity to intern with such an important campaign gave me additional insight into how progressive reform can be brought to the city of Boston. I additionally participated in various community events with the campaign team, including cultural parades and a fundraiser all in an effort to garner additional support amongst voters.

This internship opportunity reinforced my passion for local politics and organizing. In my ability to have direct contact with voters, I learned about the power and value vested in grassroots organizing efforts. I also worked with the policy team on drafting and editing Rachael’s central policies that was disseminated to various voters. In my ability to research key areas to be included in her platform, I was informed on social issues that currently affect Boston and all of Suffolk County. In doing so, I became further immersed in the significance of such a pivotal District Attorney race. Having never worked for a campaign, I gained firsthand experience into the daily operations that drive the success of a given candidate. Canvassing shifts, phone banking sessions, and policy research is involved in much of the behind the scenes work that drives the momentum of a campaign. Working for this campaign has additionally connected me with inspiring individuals who are just as passionate about bringing true and progressive change to Suffolk County. In rallying behind such a pivotal leader whose mission is to provide a voice to various communities, I am empowered to harness my own leadership skills when it comes to spreading significant political messages. I am beyond appreciative of receiving financial support for this internship. Working for a campaign has provided me with groundbreaking exposure to local politics, with invigorating my interest in utilizing law as a tool for social change.


Author: Student Perspective

Views and opinions from current Penn students.