Tomorrow on @PennCareerDay: Jeff Barg, COL ’02/MCP ’10 – PA Horticultural Society

Be sure to follow @PennCareerDay tomorrow for great insights from another Penn alum about their career path and a typical day at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society!

Jeffrey Barg is Associate Director for Planning and External Policy Relations at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society.  At PHS, he develops and maintains the organizational policy agenda and government relations at the federal, state and local level, and manages projects related to urban greening, creative placemaking, vacant land reclamation, urban agriculture, community and neighborhood gardens, landscape studies and more.

Prior to his work with PHS, Jeff worked with the Penn Institute for Urban Research at the Consortium for Building Energy Innovation at the Philadelphia Navy Yard.  Before that, he had a long career in journalism as managing editor for Philadelphia Weekly.

Jeff holds a BA in American History and a Master of City Planning, both from University of Pennsylvania.  (Editors note: He also plays a mean blues guitar.)


Join Sean Lilley, 3D Software Developer at Analytical Graphics on @PennCareerDay


Sean Lailley is a 2013 Digital Media Design graduate and now a 3D Software Developer at Analytical Graphics (AGI), building software for visualizing Earth and Space. He works on Cesium, an open-source 3D globe for the web. Specifically Sean develops the Cesium graphics engine, where his daily work includes writing shaders, adding support for new WebGL features, and efficiently rendering large datasets.

 Sean joined AGI in 2015. Prior to that Sean studied Digital Media Design where he focused on computer graphics and game engine design. In his free time he enjoys working on digital art, music, and games depending on what seems interesting.

Sean will be tweeting about his work day on our @PennCareerDay twitter feed tomorrow, February 3rd.  You don’t want to miss it!


Day in the Life: Rhea May, ’11, Success Academy Charter Schools

Make sure you’re following @PennCareerDay on Twitter tomorrow, November 3rd, to hear about a typical day teaching at a Success Academy Charter School from Rhea May, Class of 2011!

FullSizeRender-1[2]Rhea May is a 2011 Penn graduate currently living in Brooklyn, NY. When she wasn’t in class, Rhea spent most of her time at Penn nestled in Platt Performing Arts House. She was an active member of the student-run group Arts House Dance Company, ran an after school dance program for Philadelphia middle school students (After School Arts at Penn), and served as the Community Service Chair on the PAC Executive Council. Rhea began pursuing her interest in the education field her senior year, when she worked as the Children Youth and Families (CYF) intern at the William Penn Foundation. After graduation, she worked as an Organizational Development Associate at Fairmount Ventures in Philadelphia, continuing to focus on education. In 2013, Rhea moved to Brooklyn to become a science teacher at Success Academy Charter Schools. She also teaches dance now too! Rhea now happily spends her days facilitating kindergarten robotics, designing fair tests with 1st graders to figure out the perfect mealworm habitat, and unlocking 5th grade dancers’ choreographic potential, among other things. Outside of school, Rhea spends her time practicing Bikram yoga, riding her new bicycle around Brooklyn, and taking pictures of cool plants so she can talk to her students about their adaptations.

Follow along with Rhea’s day on Twitter!!


Day in the Life: Jack Washington, COL ’15, Hanover Reasearch

Our Day in the Life Twitter series continues tomorrow.  Be sure you’re following @PennCareerDay to get a peak into a typical day for Jack at Hanover Research!

jack washingtonFollowing graduation, Jack returned to work at the site of his post-junior year internship: Hanover Research. Jack is a Research Associate on a team serving a diverse group of school district and higher education partners. In his three months on the job at Hanover, Jack has already completed eight reports for colleges and school districts throughout the country. These reports include: assessing market demand for new degree programs, providing best practice research on policy issues, and using US Census data to help locate and recruit new students. Jack’s experience in the Urban Studies program at Penn helped him to get this job and continues to help him execute his duties at a high level.


Follow @PennCareerDay Today to See Life at a Start Up!

Be sure to follow our twitter account @PennCareerDay this morning as Monika Haebich, a CAS graduate from 2015 tweets about her day at, a recently rebranded start-up.

haebich meeting

Monika graduated from Penn in 2015 with a B.A. in English concentrating on Literary Theory and Cultural Studies and minors in Consumer Psychology and Fine Arts. Originally from New York, Monika now lives in Atlanta and enjoys photography, polo, and traveling in her free time.

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