Lessons learned from Penn Relays and the Broad Street Run

Lauren Kemp, Administrative Assistant for the Graduate Students team

This weekend marks the annual return of two of Philadelphia’s most celebrated athletic spectacles, the Penn Relays and the Broad Street Run.  Running makes a great metaphor for life, and with so many of you starting new jobs and careers after graduation, there are a lot of lessons to be learned from these races.  Here are just a few to push you through those first few miles.

Prepare for foul weather

Unfortunately, the forecast for this weekend calls for rain.  This could be a bummer for the unprepared runner, but seasoned veterans are always on the lookout for race day surprises.  Take a page out of their book: know that there will be times when you’ll be faced with stormy skies, and there will be bumps in the road ahead.  Not every day will be rainbows and sunshine, but that’s okay: plan for the obstacles, move on from them, and be grateful for the beautiful moments.

Establish your cheer squad

Many of you will be relocating across the country and possibly around the world.  Even if you’re going to a familiar city, you may be exposed to a new schedule, a new social circle and new responsibilities: it’s important to have your own cheer squad to turn to during these unfamiliar stretches.  Life can get busy, but make sure you maintain those connections to family and friends back home: there’s nothing better than knowing there’s somebody in your corner rooting for your success.

Enjoy the sights along the way

Although there will be many times when you have to sprint (hello, 100m dash and project deadlines), life itself is much closer to a marathon.  And let’s face it: 26.2 miles can get overwhelming if you’re only focused on the asphalt beneath you.  With all that distance to cover, make sure you take some time for you.  Stop and smell the roses (literally).  Visit a new restaurant with friends.  Read a book.  Work-life balance is a great thing to have: give yourself the chance to enjoy special moments outside the office or school.









Sleep is Golden

As a Penn student, you’re probably asking, “what is sleep?”  Sleep may be low on your to-do list, but it really deserves more consideration.  The world’s best athletes, including former Penn Relays participant and Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt, make sleep a priority (Bolt himself aims for 8-10 hours of shuteye each night).  “Sleep is extremely important to me—I need to rest and recover in order for the training I do to be absorbed by my body,” Bolt says.  Studies prove that sleep makes us healthier and happier: carve quality time out with your pillow each night.  Your body and mind will thank you.

Find your rabbit…

In running, a rabbit is the athlete who establishes a quick, speedy (yet smart) pace.  Identify your rabbit– a mentor or role model, somebody who inspires you– and turn to her for advice.

…But Set Your Own Pace

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen newbie runners sprint over the starting line at road races, trying to keep even with the pack leaders, until they crash and burn.  It’s great to find inspiration in your peers, and it’s fabulous to chase goals, but don’t feel like you have to match your friends and colleagues step for step.  Constantly comparing yourself to others does you no favors.  Recognize your own values and limits, and stay true to you.


You Won’t Always Meet Your Goal

True story: I once ran Broad Street with full-fledged bronchitis (PLEASE do not follow my example).  I was so focused on beating a time goal that I didn’t take my health into consideration.  Spoiler: I finished the race, but I did so several minutes slower than I had hoped.  One year later, I tried again, and guess what?  I still came up short.  Yes, I was bummed, but I knew that there were other things to celebrate that day (No bronchitis?  Yay!  Free pretzels at the finish line?  Could my stomach be any more thrilled?).  So try not to stress too much if you don’t make that promotion or sign that new client: you will always have a chance to try again.  And maybe your goal will change: that’s okay too.  Your worth is not measured in trophies or medals.


Keep Moving Forward…

Walt Disney once said, ““Around here…we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious…and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”  (emphasis is mine)
I was introduced to this quote through a movie my children love, Meet the Robinsons.   If you haven’t seen it, and need some inspiration to keep putting one foot in front of the other – despite a setback, or while you’re studying, or in your job search….or just in your life – I highly recommend the film.    

The wonder of being able to let go of set-backs, to engage in the process of learning and to keep your mind future-focused is a gift you can give yourself.  By carving out some time for you, to feed your curiosity, or to explore what you really enjoy, or learn something new, you may experience a sense of renewal that can restore and energize your spirit. 

I like to “practice what I preach,” so to speak, so I am taking some online coursework in an area that I have interest in – data visualization.  I’ve been putting it off for a while….but I scheduled a whole afternoon to engage and really learned so much more than I thought I would.  Maybe my new skills will help me in my work….or maybe not – and that’s okay.   Not every passion or renewing activity in which you engage will be a resume builder.  But if you have a love of learning….or you did once upon a time….and you’ve not experienced the thrill of a new idea or building a skill recently, I warmly and wholeheartedly encourage you to carve out some time to do so.

Mental Health Week

A. Mylène Kerschner, Associate Director

Career Services understands that Penn can be a stressful place, and that the job, internship, or grad school search can contribute to feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and even depression. Career Services is proud to support Counseling and Psychological Services Student Advisory Board (CAPSAB) and the 3rd Annual Mental Wellness Week this week at Penn. Activities are taking place Monday through Friday across campus.

caps chart

Events include:

  • Therapy Dogs on Tuesday at CAPS (puppies are pretty much guaranteed to reduce anxiety)
  • Guided Meditation
  • Free Classes at Pottruck Fitness Center
  • Thursday Night Quizzo – Grad Quizzo at the LGBT Center and Undergrad Quizzo at Smokes
  • Talks –  multiple opportunities to learn and discuss more
  • Free Smoothies at the School of Nursing Lobby on Friday, April 8
  • Game Night on Friday, April 8 in Claudia Cohen Hall
  • And most importantly, our Keynote Speaker, Dr. Valerie Young. (Wednesday, April 6 2016; 7-9pm; Room 350 Steinberg Hall – Dietrich Hall)

We hope to see you out at these events for Mental Wellness Week!

caps flyer

Facebook: UPenn Mental Wellness Week 2015
Confronting your Inner Imposter



Hammock Time

Hard to believe — our summer vacation is half over. Before we know it, students will be back on campus in large numbers. Of course some students are still around: graduate students, summer session students, pre-freshmen, high school students doing discovery programs. But the true hustle and bustle of the semester is very different, and it is only six weeks away.

What I wish for us all, whether we are here at work, off doing a summer job or pursuing research, is to find some hammock time. We are all so busy, with so many commitments. Make sure during these warmer months that you take a break that will allow you to relax, reflect, and be refreshed. Read a book (or two or three) about something far removed from your daily responsibilities. I just finished an interesting volume called The Strangler Vine by M.J. Carter, a kind of detective novel, set in 1830’s India. It transported me to a very different world. I learned something about the early days of the Raj, which for all intents and purposes I knew nothing about. It got me thinking about topics that I seldom consider. I couldn’t put it down.

My hope is that you will use these last six weeks wisely by taking some time for yourself, for your physical, intellectual and mental health. It’s necessary, and come fall, you’ll be glad you did. Enjoy your summer, and safe travels (those who are travelling). Now go find a good book.

Shake It Off

It’s hard to believe that the summer is half over already.  Whatever you are doing this summer, this is the perfect time to take a look at where you are and appreciate what you’ve done so far.  With the hectic schedules of most students during the school year, it may be difficult to see the end of the tunnel. There is always some test, paper, or quiz that pulls you back into having to deal with school.  Take this time to really sit back and look at where you are.  Summer is the time to really reflect on yourself and to check in with your progress. If you’re a rising sophomore, congratulate yourself on completing your first year in college. Get excited about the possibilities of your future if you are a rising senior. And if you are a rising junior, bask in the knowledge that you have another year of being a student before you have to start really thinking about your first job. Be positive about where you are going. For some, this past semester – or school year – wasn’t their best.  Even if that is the case, take the time now to reevaluate where there is room for improvement. It’s hard being a student sometimes. Students come into the office with the worries of life written all over their faces. Use this time during the summer to shake off the worries so that you can return to campus fresh and ready to tackle new challenges.