
by J. Michael DeAngelis, Editor-at-Large
UPDATE: the links are now working correctly.  Thanks to all who reported the errors.

Penn & Beyond reaches a milestone today as we hit our 300th post!  This blog grows day by day and we’re so thankful to all of our readers here at The University of Pennsylvania and…well, beyond!  There have been 112,000 visits to this blog since we launched and we’re expecting to see our numbers to rise faster and higher!

Here are the Ten Most Viewed Blog Entries on our site since launch (discounting our front page):

Beware the Hippo: Choosing Where to Apply to Medical School

Why Reneging on an Offer is Bad for Your Career Mojo

It’s not too late! (Good) Internships are still out there.

Seniors: Five Job Search Tips for Winter Break

“Makes ‘Em Laugh:” A Comic Strip a Day Gets the Dissertation Written

How to Become the Next Intern Idol

Top Cover Letter No-Nos (in no particular order!)

Responding Sincerely is Very Professional

Navigating OCR with a Low GPA: Networking & Persistence are the Keys to Success

FrankenFood for thought! How lunch can help you find a career


But perhaps you’ve read all those already – here are some undiscovered gems you might like too:

What Disney can teach you about a good CV/resume

Pronoun Abuse: An Interview Diagnosis

O.C.R. = Overly Confusing Recruiting?!?

Videos: how to find an internship in…

5 Differences Between SEPTA and your Job Searching Experience


Here’s a couple of fun facts about Penn & Beyond:

1. The number one most searched for word on our blog is “winter” – which has been sought after 32,278 times! You all must love the cold weather!

2. Most people find us directly from the Career Services homepage or via an e-mail, but nearly 800 hits have come from people following links off of Twitter.

3. Over the past year, 12% of our traffic has been on mobile devices such as smart phones or tablet computers.  It helps that our blog and all our videos have mobile formatted versions available!

4. We’ve had hits from around the world – including China, Israel, India, the United Kingdom, Canada and Japan.

Thanks again to all of our readers, and to the entire Career Services staff, who all work hard to bring you this blog!

See you at post 400!

Happy Birthday, Penn & Beyond!

One year ago today, Penn Career Services launched this blog in hopes it would be an exciting new way to reach those we serve.  Penn & Beyond has succeeded beyond our highest expectations and we anticipate that it will only continue to grow and evolve in the years to come – with new features and a variety of voices from our staff, current students, distinguished Penn alumni and special guests.

courtesy of cakes-you-can-bake.com

Over the past year, we’ve had some extremely popular entries on Penn & Beyond.  Here are the top ten entries, based on individual hits (Not counting the front page or contest announcements).  A great chance to revisit an old favorite or catch up on those you haven’t seen yet.

This blog couldn’t exist without your readership and feedback.  Please continue to let us know what you like and what you’d like to see more of?  Have a favorite blog not listed here?  (Maybe one of these?) Sound off below!  Thanks for helping us make the first year of this blog such a success!