by Shannon Kelly
It’s been a busy semester here at Career Services. As a result, we knew it was critical to get creative and look for some new tools to add to our social media presence. We’re always looking on ways to keep our resources up-to-date and help you get the information you need in a way that meets your busy schedule.
New Tool #1: Pinterest – What is it? According to their website, “Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.” We took this in a new direction and are treating it as a visual bookmarking tool to share career resources we come across while surfing the web. Yes, we have our website that has a TON of useful content. But, there is so many helpful resources out there that we can’t pass up, and we know these resources are critical to your career and internship search. We’re creating boards (or categories) organically, so as we find a new resource – we’ll create a board. I think the most fun boards we have are What To Wear – Men, What To Wear – Women and our Words of Wisdom. Do you have outfits/words of wisdom/resources to share? Let us know!
New Tool #2: Storify – What is it? “Storify helps its users tell stories by curating social media”, this was taken from the startup’s About section. We realize we have lots of social media channels, and that we share a lot of information on them. Not to mention there are even more resources out there that aren’t created by us on LinkedIn, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, online news outlets, etc. Phew, that is overwhelming! Well, our Storify account will help aggregate that information and put it in one place. This means, if you missed our alum post on @PennCareerDay or didn’t realize we had a week dedicated to Careers in Design resources on our social media platforms – you can access this information after-the-fact.
Stay tuned when you get back after winter break (or over it) for even more from us. We’re excited to have our brand new Social Media Advisory Board, comprised of undergraduate and graduate students, to help us roll out new tools and enhance our existing ones.