PennLink and You: New Online Tutorials

New Year’s Resolution season creates a sense of urgency to search PennLink and hope to find a job or internship.  As a result, there are many new users, or users who haven’t logged in for a long time and need a refresher on how to navigate the system.  Well, I’m excited to announce there’s a new line of help for all of you PennLink job seekers – old and new.  There is now a PennLink channel on our Vimeo video site – PennLink FAQs for Job Seekers!

These videos walk you through step by step, screen by screen, mouse click by mouse click to answer all your questions about navigating PennLink.  New videos will be added frequently, so keep checking back.  If you have any questions or issues with the system, email me at or leave a comment here.  




Attention! Website Construction Underway!

The Career Services website is going to be under construction this week.

image via B Tal on Flickr

We’re updating our layout so that things will be easier to find. (Office hours and a Google map of our location on every page! And our phone number, too!)  We’re also combining our resources for undergraduates into one centralized place rather than dividing up resources by school, and on all pages the navigational links will change to be organized by audience.

In the meantime you may encounter some dead links, redirects, and inconsistencies throughout the site.  If you’ve bookmarked a page, you may need to correct the link.  We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you’ll excuse us for the week. By Monday the 23rd we hope to have everything running smoothly again.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at