As the Fall Holidays begin and you return home, the first question that relatives invariably ask is “How is school going?” But quickly followed by that is the “What are you doing with your life” prodding inquiry that many people dread. (You may be thinking must I decide now? How do I know what the rest of my future will hold?)
You may even have opportunities available or on the horizon, but maybe it’s still too early to say. The thing that’s important to remember is that all parents want you to be successful and they simply want to know that you’re on the right path. Therefore, you will likely need to share some uplifting news to them.
While it’s been a busy semester for all, you can start your search after the thanksgiving break by attending out Summer Job Search Workshop on Wednesday, November 30, from 12:00pm to 1:00pm at Huntsman Hall, Room 245.
For those that who are seeking full-time positions or internships next semester, there are several routes in which you can explore and inform your family. First, there is of course, PennLink, which posts job and internship information every day from employers. During the break, you can check out some of the opportunities that are available online. Currently, there are quite a few listings already for information sessions and internship opportunity for the companies that will be recruiting in the spring.
Don’t forget also that the Spring Career Fair is next year on Friday, February 17. Last year, there were over 100 employers that attended the fair.
Also, be sure to check our Career Services Events on the main Penn Calendar at:
or on our website at:
Hope you have a relaxing Thanksgiving break!