‘Tis the Season…for internships!

By Jamie Grant, C’98 GEd’99

Congrats to all of our current students – now that classes have ended (at least for undergradsSnowflakes), you’re in the home stretch!  When you need a break from studying, or are just daydreaming about what summer may bring, perhaps you can send out a few internship applications to get the ball rolling!

There are some excellent resources deep within the “Jobs & Internships” section of the Career Services website that you may wish to explore.  If you’re just starting out, and maybe not sure where to begin, watch the On-Demand workshop on Internship Searching.  The “Listings” section will take you to a directory of resources with specific jobs to which you can apply, including a directory by field under the “Non-Penn Internships” area (fields include: Communications; Engineering – including opportunities in Scientific Research; Business; Non-Profit; and more!).  There are links to Penn offices that provide opportunities and funding, resources for international internship searches (TIP – start early to go abroad!) as well as tips on how to arrange credit (dependent on School) and how to make the most of your opportunity.

Your questions not covered here?  Come see us or call in!  Career Services is open until mid-day on December 24th and will reopen after a short winter break on Monday, January 5, 2015.



Author: Jamie Grant

Jamie Grant is Associate Director of Career Services for the School of Engineering and Applied Science.