Job hunters: have you made your new year’s resolutions? If not, here are some to consider as you formulate your list:
- I will make sure my resume is current
- I will update my LinkedIn profile, or join LinkedIn if I haven’t already done so
- I will make sure I can verbalize how I can use my education, skills and experience to further a potential employer’s goals – the employer shouldn’t have to intuit how you can add value
- I will establish a weekly networking goal
- I will stick to the schedule I established
- I will tell people I know (family, friends, neighbors) that I am on the job market
- I will tell people I meet randomly (at a party, sitting in the next airplane seat) what sort of job I am looking for
- I will remain current on important news in the field or fields I am considering or hoping to enter
- I will consult trusted advisors to help with all the above
- When I am successful and accept a new job I will make sure I write a thank you email to everyone who has been helpful in my search, including those who agreed to meet with you as part of your networking campaign.
On behalf of everyone in Career Services, have a wonderful 2016 – and may your career dreams come true.